Our new season September 2, 2016 15:50
Our big names for 2017 include Brooks Williams, Steve Knightley (solo), Dick Gaughan, The Phil Beer Band, Richard Digance, and O’Hooley and Tidow, not forgetting Gren Bartley and Gilmour and Roberts, with more acts to be announced – watch this space!
This Autumn, we’re featuring Josienne Clarke and Ben Walker (Oct 14th) Clive Gregson (Nov 18th) and Pete Morton’s Magical Christmas Tree Tour (Dec 16th), as well as some excellent local acts in our Showcase and Open Stage nights. September’s programme, with the double header with Marina Florance, plus Ben Smith and Jimmy Brewer (Sept 9th); Nestlerode, Colvin and Rails (Sept 16th) and Clark and Zuppardi (Sept 30th) speaks for itself!
To find out more about any of the gigs, contact us on 01638 603986 or book on-line for gigs on the website.
If you’ve already been to Cambridge Folk Club, you’ll know about our eclectic approach. If you’re new, come along to find out more. Don’t forget, you can become a member for just £15 for a year, saving yourself £2 on the door price.
Looking forward to seeing you.