20250110: Friday 10th January 2025: Open Stage with special guest Tom Conway
At the Golden Hind, 355 Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 1SP
8pm (Doors open 7:30pm)
Entry: £5(door), £4(advance), £3(members & performers).
Originally from the Edinburgh area, Tom Conway is a Cambridge-based singer-songwriter who has released 3 critically-acclaimed albums and played all over the UK, including opening for Clive Gregson, Jez Lowe and Rory MacLeod. He is accompanied by Joel Halcomb on bass.
“In Your Own Words and The One That Got Away are classics akin to Richard Thompson’s “Beeswing.” R2
“He manages the smart balance of seriousness and lightheartedness that gave the likes of Tom Waits, Harry Chapin, Randy Newman and John Prine their legendary status.” Maverick
There will also be 10-minute slots from other musicians.